unRAIDing It Up

This picture is a great representation of how I’ve learned to use LXC/LXD containers. Also, many preconfigured apps, I’ve learned, can be easily installed on unRAID. Again, I’m doing this as a personal project, so I’m quite lazy when it comes to configuring things.

So far, Plex and a PXE test VM are running under unRAID, with other operating systems being test-installed on it as I move onward. The default snap of Nextcloud that gets installed with a stock Ubuntu Server 18.04.01 release doesn’t seem to work as well as Nextcloud in a docker container for unRAID. Learning more about this as I go on, but also working with my group to get our Senior Design project up and running on this as well.

DDNS is a great service…

VAIO Update and Incoming Projects

Recently I’ve restored an old Sony VAIO UX380N and got it to run Xubuntu Linux after replacing some components. Too bad replacement batteries and such are hard to come by these days…I’ll have to find a good use case for this when I move…

Due to schoolwork and such, burning through all my personal projects in the pipeline is pushed to when I have free time. More projects will be incoming! I may be building some little Dat Network nodes or a Miner in the future…Stay tuned!

College Woes and a Quick Update

Now that I’ve started yet another semester of college, it seems that I have vast amounts of homework related to core classes that have been forced upon my schedule at the last minute. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be working on the following things:

  • Licensing the unRAID server

  • Installing Xen on the “bigboi” server

  • Hosting some applications and game servers in LXC containers to check out how they’re useful

  • Hosting our Senior Design capstone project in a vm, though I’ve never played with Xen so I might go down a rabbit hole

  • Building Kodi boxes, retro consoles etc with the remaining Raspberry Pis I have, in order to reduce the number of projects I have

  • Prepare for moving back to the West Coast in June

That’s all for now! This is a quick update!

Things in Motion

Learning a lot more these days about technologies such as Qubes, Terraform and setting up a Kickstart file for a minimal CentOS install to throw down an OpenStack-based “homelab” virtual lab that future professors might use to help their students learn…but that will get some work as a capstone project later on.

In my free time I finally got the unRAID server running as a storage provider and scraping host…so I might have more to report on the scraper project soon as I delete my social media more and more, as well as hold onto Youtube media that might be uploaded to a decentralized source now as peoples’ channels get shut down. Also might begin archiving some projects in the #FOSS world.

Also I’ve been doing work on just learning OpenStack since there seem to be quite a few moving parts that I should learn bit by bit before tackling an entire sandbox for it head-on. I’m still moving at the pace I learned while out West and am thankful for what I learned in Silicon Valley- I will return…