Fedora Install Script, GeForce Now on Win Max, etc

Just a sweet and short update.

I forked a post-install fedora setup script from a redditor on the fedora reddit.

You can find my script here. I try to keep the good stuff merged in my fork, but this is mainly for setting up a gaming/daily driver laptop with Fedora 32 or newer…though I’m sure it would work on older releases as well. It’s pretty straightforward.

Also found out GeForce Now runs well on the GPD Win Max, due to Wifi 6, so long as your router supports it! Our router is a bit aged so there seem to be intermittent lags, but sadly that’s out of my control so long as I share a residence.

Still working on the GamerOS PC, as the Dell 3020 is having some configuration issues with outputting on the GT 1030 that replaced the RX 550 LP I had laying around. Also, still waiting on the Argon40 M.2 case to properly cool an overclock on my pi 4 8gb model so I can start testing the newest improvements to box86 via TwisterOS!

Also it looks like my buddy Jason will be taking a look at the new all-in-one Raspberry Pi 400 keyboard-based pi computer in the future! Looking forward to that.