Mo Distros, Mo NVIDIA Problems

Today I tried out MX Linux on the Gigabyte Aero15Xv8. More info on that here. Didn't work out too well and I ended up crashing and burning, only to install Pop!_OS over that again. Sadness. I won’t give up though…
This is why we need a full-AMD gaming laptop on the market, for the Linux faithful.

Also began more work on learning the ins and outs of Alpine Linux. I went to a hackerspace recently called Noisebridge in SF. I used to frequent the place quite often last year, but now is my first time heading there since returning to the land of tech. Learned a bit more that there was a version of Alpine with Xen already preinstalled and we tried it out on an i3 board in the hackerspace, only to realize that it still uses a ridiculously low amount of resources. May or may not have an update on where that project goes this upcoming Friday, when I head there with a friend. It seems my adventures with it in the cloud are finished for now- see the PROGRESS tab under the Projects dropdown at top of site- but I might try it on a Raspberry Pi 4 in the future! As for my build regarding the Asrock Deskmini A300 board and chassis, I'll probably be running Fedora Server on that guy with various flatpaks, as well as retroarch.

Up next, I libreboot a Macbook from 2006….once I get a proper medium to boot Debian from, since it won’t take any of my USB3.0/3.1 flash drives.

I’m getting back to work on my LARBS-in-the-cloud project as well as slowly saving up to order the parts for my little Nextcloud/gaming AMD box soon too. Will probably end up making a full on blog post about the LARBS thing when I finally get it working on the nanode. I don’t think that customized Arch install will ever be as light as Alpine though… Till then, guten nacht!